Roux-en-Y gastric bypass

Suprun Alexey * Bariatric Surgeon * Suprun Alexey * Bariatric Surgeon

Suprun Alexey * Bariatric Surgeon

Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is the standard bariatric surgery prescribed for the treatment of obesity.

This type of surgery involves “shutting down” a small section of the small intestine from digestion and forming a small ventricle, which ultimately leads to a reduction in the amount of food consumed and a decrease in the absorption of nutrients that enter our body with food.

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    About the doctor

    Suprun Alexey

    D. thesis in 2012 on “Clinical and pathogenetic features of diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary contusion in severe combined trauma”.

    Author of 36 printed works and 1 methodical recommendation. 5 articles were published in the journals recommended by VAK.


    Who is indicated for Roux bypass surgery?

    Roux bypass surgery is indicated for patients suffering from obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Roux bypass surgery is also recommended for people with excessive body weight who cannot lose weight with other weight loss methods.


    Roux gastric bypass consists
    of several steps:

    • Formation of a small ventricle with a volume of 30-40 ml.
    • Formation of the biliopancreatic loop – a 1.5 meter section of the jejunum, duodenum and ileum, which is henceforth excluded from the passage of food and will serve only to drain biliopancreatic juices.
    • Crossing the jejunum and forming a 1.5 meter long alimentary loop that connects to the new small ventricle. Food from the small ventricle enters through this loop but is not digested until it joins the biliopancreatic loop.
    • The alimentary loop then connects to the biliopancreatic loop, in the common loop food is mixed with digestive juices and the process of digestion takes place.

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      How does Roux-en-Y gastric bypass work?

      The small ventricle allows only small portions of food to be eaten at a time, and the loops that are shut off from digestion contribute to the fact that the food ingested is only partially absorbed, thus providing a reactive hypoabsorptive effect.

      In addition, the bypassed loop of the small intestine, left without food passage, begins to synthesize intestinal hormones such as glucagon-like pepetide-1 and tyrosine-tyrosine peptide. They in turn stimulate and multiply the production of endogenous insulin (10 times). All this helps in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.


      Complications after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery

      This is a rather complex operation, which is associated with the formation of two anastomoses (anastomosis between the stomach and small intestine and anastomosis between the small intestine, and the RU loop itself).

      That is why complications are most often associated with anastomosis failure, bleeding or local infection in the area of surgical intervention. Contraindications to Roux-assisted gastric bypass are standard.

      It is also worth noting that this surgery is most
      often performed as a revision surgery

      Or, to put it simply, repeat bariatric surgery in previously operated patients. It is the “gold standard” for redoing or performing the second stage of all bariatric interventions, whether to treat complications or to regain weight.

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        Before and after operations

        * videos posted with the permission of patients.