For patients

Suprun Alexey * Bariatric Surgeon * Suprun Alexey * Bariatric Surgeon

Suprun Alexey * Bariatric Surgeon

This page contains all useful information for patients. Here you can familiarize yourself with the handbook for out-of-town patients and learn how to properly prepare for bariatric surgery and how to recover quickly after it.

For patients

For out-of-town patients

You will need to arrive in Moscow the day before your surgery to have time to be accommodated and to take all the necessary medical tests. On the scheduled appointment date, you will need to arrive by 8:30 at 2/44 Salam Adil Street for hospitalization in the inpatient department. After full recovery and discharge from the hospital, out-of-town patients are advised to stay in Moscow for another 3 days under the supervision of a surgeon. This is necessary to prevent possible complications.

For patients

General recommendations

The day before the operation, you must refrain from eating and drink only water. Water should be without gas. On the appointed day you will need to come to the reception of the clinic on an empty stomach by 8:30 to sign the contract and pay for services (payment is made in any convenient way). After that you will be directed to undergo a medical examination, which includes a standard list of laboratory and instrumental tests:

  • Fluorography;
  • Electrocardiography (ECG);
  • Echocardiography (ECHO-CG);
  • Gastroscopy;
  • Ultrasound of leg veins;
  • Clinical blood and urinalysis;
  • Blood biochemistry (standard and electrolytes);
  • Coagulogram;
  • Risk Factors.

After the examination, a consultation of allied specialists (therapist and endocrinologist) and a second consultation with a bariatric surgeon are carried out. The surgeon will make a conclusion and, based on the results of the tests and contraindications, will choose a method of surgery.

If the patient has not eaten anything, bariatric surgery is performed the same day. It is performed under general anesthesia and involves laparoscopic access. As early as the evening of the same day, the patient can get out of bed and move independently within the ward and department. On the second day, the patient can walk long distances and is ready for discharge. As a rule, we discharge the patient on the second or third day after the operation – it all depends on the patient’s recovery rate and the patient’s pain.

For patients

How do you restore nutrition?

  1. On the first and second day after surgery, you are allowed to drink only water – one teaspoon and no more than 100 ml of water per day;
  2. On the second or third day you can increase the volume of water to 500 ml, but you should also drink it in small portions;
  3. Fourth day – you can start introducing broths;
  4. Fifth day – you can start eating blended food in the amount of 50-60 ml 4 times a day for 2 weeks. The food should be regular and not spicy, it is not necessary to change to cottage cheese and baby food.
  5. On the 21st day after surgery, you can increase the portion to 90 ml and switch to a normal diet.

You have to remember that all bariatric surgeries with a restrictive component are arranged so that patients only eat solid food.