One anastomosis gastric bypass

Suprun Alexey * Bariatric Surgeon * Suprun Alexey * Bariatric Surgeon

Suprun Alexey * Bariatric Surgeon

Mini gastric bypass is the second most popular bariatric surgery performed to treat obesity and related metabolic disorders. This method of bypass surgery was introduced not so long ago, only 20 years ago, but has quickly supplanted all other bypass techniques.

Such popularity of mini-gastric bypass is due to the fact that this operation combines two mechanisms at once – reactive and hypoabsorptive. Simply put, the method is both restrictive (restricting) and bypassing (food is partially absorbed), which effectively contributes to weight loss.

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    About the doctor

    Suprun Alexey

    D. thesis in 2012 on “Clinical and pathogenetic features of diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary contusion in severe combined trauma”.

    Author of 36 printed works and 1 methodical recommendation. 5 articles were published in the journals recommended by VAK.

    Mini gastric bypass

    Indications for surgery

    Since this surgery is metabolic, the main indication for it is the presence of obesity and associated type 2 diabetes mellitus. Mini-gastric bypass can be performed even in the absence of obvious indications in case the patient wants to lose weight quickly and recover from the surgery in the shortest possible time.

    In addition to fast results and a comfortable rehabilitation period, the advantages of this method also include a low risk of complications.


    How is mini-gastric bypass
    surgery performed?

    As you can see from the diagram, first the so-called “Pouch” is cut out of the stomach – in English it is a small ventricle, through which food will flow, bypassing the large stomach. The large stomach itself remains in the stomach and continues to function normally.

    Next, the small stomach is sutured to the small intestine. For this purpose, 2.5 meters are counted from the duodenum and an anastomosis is made between the new small stomach and the small intestine. In this way, 2.5 meters of small intestine are simply switched off (bypassed) from digestion.

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      Complications of mini-gastric bypass surgery

      Complications with mini-gastric bypass are rare compared to other bariatric procedures and are also very easy and quick to correct. Possible complications include bleeding; anastomosis failure; stapler line failure; and infection. If the aforementioned complications occur, surgical intervention by a surgeon and a repeat procedure is required, which slightly lengthens the patient’s treatment time.

      Mini gastric bypass

      Contraindications to surgery

      As for contraindications, the most common restriction to the procedure is smoking. The fact is that the anastomosis, which is imposed between the stomach and small intestine, in combination with nicotine provokes the occurrence of ulcers of the gastroenteroanastomosis.

      This is why, as a rule, we refuse mini-gastric bypass surgery for avid smokers and offer alternative solutions to the problem. Another contraindication to this type of bariatric surgery is cirrhosis of the liver, in which a longitudinal gastric resection is recommended.

      Mini gastric bypass or gastric bypass with a single anastomosis

      It is a reliable and well-established operation that helps to get rid of excess weight quickly and effectively. It is indicated primarily for patients with type 2 diabetes and morbid obesity. The results of this diabetes surgery are truly impressive. Patients with a long history of taking sugar-reducing medications already on the third day after surgery achieve normal blood sugar without special pills and insulin.

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        Before and after operations

        * videos posted with the permission of patients.